




Property Claims


Policyholders We Help

  • Homeowners and renters
  • Condo and co-op owners
  • HOAs and boards
  • Property management firms
  • Developers
  • Attorneys
  • Restaurants
  • Retail businesses
  • Professional offices
  • Industrial and manufacturing operations
  • Nonprofit and governmental organizations

Damages and Disasters We Handle

Contact us for a Free Consultation: 929.999.4674 or

  • Identifying the Cause of Loss

    Eastern Public conducted a comprehensive forensic investigation in this Hamptons home to determine the correct cause of water damage as roof damage from a windstorm--not the carrier's original assessment.

  • Assessing Luxury Home Damage

    We understand the work, time and materials involved in fully restoring high-end finishes and fixtures.

  • Accounting for Shared Costs

    We've worked extensively with HOAs, property managers, co-op and condo owners, directing claims and the complex communications required to restore a property.

  • Establishing the Value of Historic Finishes

    Restoring a home to its original condition  requires more than just insurance claims management. We have unique experience with specialty property valuations and high-end construction.

  • Catastrophic Restaurant Fire Recovery

    We managed business interruption and property loss claims when a traditional Japanese restaurant in Manhattan sustained a catastrophic fire.

  • Warehouse Damage Investigation

    Eastern Public conducted an independent investigation into the cause of loss  of this warehouse roofing damage, altering the course  of the claim to improve the client's outcome.

  • Opportunity Cost of Physical Damage

    An apparel retailer suffered a sewer line backup, rendering their corporate office unusable. Eastern Public stepped in to reverse the carrier's denial.
  • Mixed-Use Manhattan Property Claim

    Eastern Public managed the recovery of a Soho commercial and residential space that sustained water damage affecting all six floors of the property.

  • Impacts of Rooftop Pool Defect

    We help property managers handle claims, and tenant relationships, through unexpected disaster.

  • Countering an Inadequate Offer

    We handle inventory loss, property damage, and business interruption for small and large commercial organizations.

  • Luxury Policy Claim Negotiation

    The owner of this luxury condo thought he had the best policy, but ended up headed toward arbitration. Eastern Public stepped in to correct course.

  • Strategic Direction to Recover Arbitration 

    We work with HOAs, boards, and property managers, tailoring our approach to pursue our clients' most productive course of action on a claim.

  • Correcting the Cause of Water Damage

    Our independent investigation into the cause of loss  reversed the carrier's decision, resulting in full restoration of a world-class property.

Property Claims & Recovery

Whether you’re a small business owner or the manager in a large corporate enterprise, the recovery of your business depends on your ability to maximize the benefits available through your insurance policy.

After meeting with you, we move to quickly investigate your loss and understand your operational imperatives. Drawing on our extensive experience with building, operational and insurance practices, we develop a plan that will meet your objectives and improve your outcome, and we manage every step of the way.

Planning & Protection

Now more than ever, it’s essential for businesses to have detailed, documented plans in place to mitigate property and operational damage or loss due to unforeseen events. 

We are your partner in creating this plan--assessing coverage, reviewing policies, identifying areas of risk, and providing detailed, actionable plans for recovery. Our goal is to ensure that your coverage is appropriate to your needs, and that you have the planning and documentation that will allow you to draw on that coverage in the event of damage or loss. 

“My business experienced a sewage flood that rendered our office uninhabitable during peak revenue season. Completely overwhelmed, I was referred to Eastern Public. They made what would have been an awful process so much more bearable and made sure we got what we deserved in terms of loss reimbursement.” 

Val V.
President , Sprigs
Mount Cisco, NY

“My business experienced a sewage flood that rendered our office uninhabitable during peak revenue season. Completely overwhelmed, I was referred to Eastern Public. They made what would have been an awful process so much more bearable and made sure we got what we deserved in terms of loss reimbursement.” 

Val V.

President , Sprigs

Mount Cisco, NY


We understand business needs.

We keep your business practices and objectives top of mind as we assess the impact of damage or loss--auditing pertinent records and processes, analyzing insurance coverages, and understanding the full implications of business interruption, both physical and financial. Our goal is to deliver not just a satisfactory solution, but one that takes into account what your business needs to excel.

We put our expertise to work for you.

Working with a good public adjuster saves you time and resources. We are able to do more than what a business manager or experienced contractor could--anticipating areas of hidden damage that might otherwise go unnoticed, framing claims with knowledge of ever-evolving insurance law, and documenting each aspect of  to ensure an efficient and effective legal strategy, should one be needed. 

We work with transparency and integrity.

We have a dedicated team that includes specialists in property inventory management, forensic accounting, and architecture, and we draw on a curated network of experts in construction, engineering, remediation, restoration and law.   We've built our relationships across the insurance industry on trust and commitment to our clients’ needs. 

Contact us for a Free Consultation: 929.999.4674 or

Commercial Property FAQs

  • What should I expect during the commercial claims process?

    Serious property damage events in commercial properties present many challenges to business owners. Emergency and recovery management efforts must be knowledgeably coupled with continuity business planing to ensure efficient recoveries. Due to the nature of commercial loss events, it is usually advisable for commercial property owners to hire a professional public adjuster to provide the hands on expert resources owners need to restore their business operations in the shortest time possible.  

    1. Notify your insurance company about the damage or loss as soon as possible after the incident.

    2. Provide evidence of the damage, such as photographs or videos, and gather relevant information like the incident's date, location, and any witnesses. Do not provide any more information than the carrier specifically requests. 

    3. The insurance carrier will assign an adjuster who represents their interest who may visit your property to assess the extent of the damage and investigate the claim further.

    4. Maintain regular communication with your insurance company throughout the process and follow up as needed.

    5. Once the claim is evaluated, if coverage is accepted the insurance company will provide a settlement offer based on their interpretation of the policy coverage and assessment of your damage.

    6. Review the settlement offer carefully and negotiate if necessary. If you're dissatisfied with the offer, you may explore options for appeal or seek professional advice. Appealing a coverage or settlement position is difficult however and usually beneficial for property owners to engage a professional public adjuster to represent their interest before a dispute arises. 

    Overall, you are entitled to thorough evaluation of your claim, clear communication with your insurance company, and a resolution that adequately addresses the damage to your commercial property.

  • What are the mistakes to avoid in the commercial claims process?

    Even the most sophisticated property owners are typically not adequately prepared to successfully navigate the property claims process without professional help. The ever-changing landscape of property claims, and the expertise required to expedite fair settlement awards often leaves property owners under-resourced when claims occur. Hiring a professional public adjuster as soon as possible after an event occurs is typically the best way to ensure a positive outcome to your claim. Absent professional representation, there are some key mistakes to avoid in the commercial property claims process:

    Delaying Notification: Promptly report the damage to your insurance company to avoid potential complications or coverage issues.

    Failure to Mitigate Further Damage: Take reasonable steps to mitigate further damage to your property after the incident, as failing to do so could impact your claim.

    Incomplete Documentation: Thoroughly document the damage with photographs or videos and gather all relevant information, including dates, locations, and witness contacts.

    Miscommunication: Maintain clear and consistent communication with your insurance company, providing accurate information and promptly responding to inquiries.

    Not Reviewing the Policy: Familiarize yourself with your insurance policy to understand coverage limits, exclusions, and deductible requirements, preventing misunderstandings during the claims process.

    Neglecting Follow-Up: Stay engaged throughout the claims process, following up with your insurance company as needed and ensuring that your claim progresses efficiently.

    Accepting Inadequate Settlements: Review settlement offers carefully to ensure they adequately cover the damage to your commercial property. Don't hesitate to negotiate or seek professional claims or legal advice if necessary.

    By avoiding these mistakes and remaining proactive throughout the commercial property claims process, you can increase the likelihood of a successful resolution. The best way to ensure you receive fair compensation for the damage to your property is by hiring a professional public adjuster. 

  • Why do you need a public adjuster for a commercial claim?

    Public adjusters are independent professionals who work on behalf of policyholders to negotiate with insurance companies and ensure fair settlements. Their expertise in insurance policies, claim procedures, law, and property damage assessment can help level the playing field between policyholders and insurance companies, especially in complex or high-value claims.

    Public adjusters can thoroughly evaluate the extent of damage to your commercial property, providing detailed documentation and evidence the insurance carrier will to support your claim. Their experience in navigating the claims process and advocating for policyholders' interests usually leads to more favorable outcomes. 

    Additionally, public adjusters can handle the entire claims process on your behalf, alleviating the claims management burden and negotiations while allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. Overall, involving a public adjuster can help ensure that you receive fair compensation for the damage to your commercial property and expedite the resolution of your claim.

  • What types of businesses hire a Public Adjuster for insurance claims?

    Public adjusters are typically hired by individuals or businesses that have suffered property damage or loss to assist in navigating the insurance claims process. Any business enterprise or person that owns real property that is insured for loss or damage will typically benefit from hiring a public adjuster when a loss occurs. 

    Business Owners and Managers: All types of small business owners as well as owners or managers of larger commercial properties hire public adjusters to handle insurance claims related to property damage, business interruption, or other covered losses.

    Condominium Associations: Condo associations or HOAs hire public adjusters to assist with claims related to damage to the common areas of the property, such as the building structure, roofs, or other shared amenities.

    Retail, Hotels and Hospitality Businesses: Retail, hotels, resorts, and other hospitality businesses hire public adjusters to handle insurance claims for property damage, business interruption, or liability claims.

    Property Management Companies: Companies that manage multiple properties, such as apartment complexes, office buildings, or retail centers, may utilize public adjusters to handle insurance claims on behalf of their clients.

    Industrial and Manufacturing Businesses: Factories, warehouses, and other industrial facilities may hire public adjusters to assist with insurance claims related to property damage, equipment breakdowns, or business interruption.

    Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofit organizations that own property may hire public adjusters to help them navigate insurance claims processes and recover funds needed for repairs or replacements.

    Homeowners: Homeowners who have experienced damage to their property due to events such as fire, water damage, storms, or theft may hire a public adjuster to help them maximize their insurance claim.

    In general, any entity that has insurance coverage for property damage or loss and wants to ensure they receive fair compensation from their insurance company should consider hiring a public adjuster to represent their interests during the claims process.

  • What are the most common types of business insurance claims?

    The most common types of business insurance claims can vary depending on factors such as geographical region, industry, location, and specific risks faced by each business. However, some of the most frequently encountered types of business insurance claims include loss that ensues from:

    Fire Damage: Claims resulting from fires that cause damage to buildings, structures, equipment, inventory, and other property owned by the business.

    Water Damage: Claims arising from water-related incidents such as burst pipes, leaks, flooding, or sewer backups that cause damage to the property.

    Storm Damage: Claims for damage caused by severe weather events such as windstorms, hailstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, or heavy snowfall, which can damage roofs, windows, siding, and other parts of the property.

    Adjacent Building Damage: Claims from harm inflicted upon a structure that is situated nearby or in close proximity to another building or property that has experienced an adverse event. 

    Theft and Burglary: Claims for losses resulting from theft, burglary, vandalism, or malicious damage to the insured property or its contents.

    Equipment Breakdown: Claims for damage to machinery, equipment, or systems due to mechanical breakdown, electrical failure, or other operational issues.

    Business Interruption: Claims for financial losses incurred when a covered event, such as a fire or natural disaster, disrupts the business's operations and causes a temporary cessation or slowdown in revenue generation.

    Tenant-Related Damage: Claims for damage caused by tenants or their guests to leased commercial properties, including damage to walls, floors, fixtures, or other parts of the premises.

    Liability Claims: Claims for bodily injury or property damage suffered by third parties on the insured property, such as slip-and-fall accidents or falling objects.

  • What is a business interruption claim?

    A business interruption claim is a type of insurance claim made by a business when it is unable to operate normally due to a covered event, resulting in financial losses. These claims typically arise from events such as natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), fires, vandalism, or other unforeseen circumstances that disrupt the normal operations of the business.

    When a covered event occurs and causes damage to a business's property or premises, it can lead to a temporary suspension or cessation of business activities. As a result, the business may experience a loss of revenue, additional expenses incurred to mitigate the damage, and ongoing operating expenses that continue even while the business is unable to operate.

    A business interruption insurance policy is designed to help mitigate the financial impact of such disruptions by providing coverage for the lost income and ongoing expenses that occur during the period of interruption. These policies may cover various aspects of the business's financial losses, including:

    Lost Profits: Compensation for the income that the business would have earned if it had been able to operate normally.

    Extra Expenses: Reimbursement for any additional expenses incurred by the business to minimize the disruption or to expedite the recovery process, such as renting temporary facilities or equipment.

    Continuing Expenses: Coverage for ongoing operating expenses, such as payroll, rent, utilities, and loan payments, that continue to accrue even when the business is not operating.

    Business interruption claims can be complex and usually require thorough understanding of business operations, comprehensive documentation of the financial losses incurred, as well as evidence of the cause and extent of the disruption. Public adjusters are often hired to help businesses navigate these types of claims processes and Eastern Public employees a high level forensic accounting staff to assist our clients with efficiency and accuracy when business income losses occur. 

Property Manager, Developer and Broker FAQs

  • How do Public Adjusters help property managers and developers?

  • Why should a broker contact a Public Adjuster?

Commercial Case Studies

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Drop us a line here or call (929) 999-4674.

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