Frequently Asked Questions

We provide a suite of services to help protect and recover property for homeowners and businesses

What does a Public Adjuster do?

A Public Adjuster, also known as a Public Insurance Adjuster, helps homeowners and businesses recover from disasters or damage to their property or business. Public Adjusters are experts in preparing, managing, and negotiating insurance claims, giving policyholders and their representatives the resources they need to be in the best possible position for recovery.

Common Questions

  • What is a Public Adjuster?

    A Public Adjuster, also known as a Public Insurance Adjuster, helps homeowners and businesses recover from disasters or damage to their property or business. Public Adjusters are experts in preparing, managing, and negotiating insurance claims, giving homeowners and businesses the resources they need to be in the best possible position for recovery.

    A public adjuster should review policy and loss details before taking on a claim, so they and their client can make informed decisions about how to proceed with a claim. Public Adjusters manage the process and negotiate with the insurance company to obtain a fair outcome for their client. A good Public Adjusters works to provide an unbiased assessment of the damage and how it should be handled given insurance policy provisions, providing expertise and peace of mind for their clients. 

    Most states have enacted licensing for Public Adjusters to provide representation on behalf of the consumer. Though the nomenclature is confusing, both "independent adjusters" and company adjusters are representatives of insurance companies. Only licensed Public Adjusters may work on policyholders' behalf, and not for insurance companies.

    Eastern Public is a property claims and risk management firm that knows what it takes to get businesses and homeowners back on their feet after a business income loss or home damage. We move quickly to help address immediate needs, handle all aspects of recovery through insurance claims, and provide consulting services to make sure businesses and homeowners have the right coverage in place.

    Most importantly, we help people get through the recovery process while protecting their interests, ensuring they have the resources and compensation they need for recovery. 

  • Who hires a Public Adjuster?

    Unless you are in the field or deal with insurance companies regularly, you are probably not up-to-date on the newest policies, laws, and changes when it comes to your insurance policy. The language of policies can also be very convoluted and difficult for the average home or business owner to understand. This is why it is critical to have a public adjuster in your corner.

    Whether a time of crisis or not, working with a Public Adjuster gives you the upper hand in negotiations. We will conduct a rigorous investigation of your damages, identify the pertinent coverages available to respond to those damages, and address all the details of your claim with your insurance company as we work to ensure you get the settlement you deserve for your loss. We can also review your policy before a disaster and assist you with making changes to the policy to make sure you are protected in the event of a crisis.

  • What is the difference between a Public Adjuster and an Independent Adjuster?

    Public Adjusters, also known as public insurance adjusters or public claims adjusters, are independent insurance professionals that property owners hire to represent their interests in filing a claim with their insurance company. They specialize in evaluating and negotiating insurance claims on behalf of the policyholder, helping to ensure a fair and full restoration after loss or damage.

    An insurance company adjuster works on behalf of the insurance company. These employees work to protect the insurance company's interests and often have access to a large pool of resources. Insurance company adjusters must follow the policies and procedures set by the insurer. "Independent Adjuster" is a term that applies to a third type of adjuster. Independent adjusters are licensed and hired to represent insurance carriers, NOT policyholders. Only Public Adjusters are licensed to work on behalf of policyholders.

    When it comes to filing a personal property claim or business income claim, it is important to consider all of your options. Hiring a Public Adjuster can ensure you receive the best possible outcome. Public adjusters can help you understand all aspects of your claim and guide you through the process. This can be invaluable when facing significant damage or loss, especially if circumstances are complicated.

Condos and Co-ops

  • How do Public Adjusters help condo or coop property owners?

    A Public Adjuster, also known as a Public Insurance Adjuster, helps homeowners and businesses recover from disasters or damage to their property or business. Public Adjusters are experts in preparing, managing, and negotiating insurance claims, giving homeowners and businesses the resources they need to be in the best possible position for recovery.

    A public adjuster should review policy and loss details before taking on a claim, so they and their client can make informed decisions about how to proceed with a claim. Public Adjusters manage the process and negotiate with the insurance company to obtain a fair outcome for their client. A good Public Adjusters works to provide an unbiased assessment of the damage and how it should be handled given insurance policy provisions, providing expertise and peace of mind for their clients. 

    Most states have enacted licensing for Public Adjusters to provide representation on behalf of the consumer. Though the nomenclature is confusing, both "independent adjusters" and company adjusters are representatives of insurance companies. Only licensed Public Adjusters may work on policyholders' behalf, and not for insurance companies.

    Eastern Public is a property claims and risk management firm that knows what it takes to get businesses and homeowners back on their feet after a business income loss or home damage. We move quickly to help address immediate needs, handle all aspects of recovery through insurance claims, and provide consulting services to make sure businesses and homeowners have the right coverage in place.

    Most importantly, we help people get through the recovery process while protecting their interests, ensuring they have the resources and compensation they need for recovery. 

  • Why should a broker contact a Public Adjuster?

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Homeowners and Renters

  • What does a Public Adjuster do?

    A Public Adjuster, also known as a Public Insurance Adjuster, helps homeowners and businesses recover from disasters or damage to their property or business. Public Adjusters are experts in preparing, managing, and negotiating insurance claims, giving policyholders and their representatives the resources they need to be in the best possible position for recovery.

  • What is the property claims process?

    The property claim process begins when the policyholder files a claim with their insurance carrier. The carrier conducts an investigation of the damages and claims made, and will deny coverage or make an initial offer for settlement.

    If coverage is provided, the claim proceeds from assessing and quantifying damages (structural, loss of use, personal property, etc.), leading into a negotiation with the insurer and their representatives to come to an agreement of the fair value of those losses. This process involves evidence such as estimates, appraisals, or other documentation to make their case for compensation. 

    Securing a fair outcome from a claim requires the ability to fully understand and quantify damage and to effectively and accurately present that damage at each step of the process. This includes determining the value of the lost items or loss of use, assessing and presenting the cost of repairs and replacement, and factoring policy provisions, such as applicable deductibles.

    When a claim is not settled through this process, parties may proceed to alternative dispute resolution, either through arbitration or, in the worst case, in a law suit. A policyholder's case is often reliant on file preparation and testimony of a Public Adjuster.

    No matter what happens during the property claim negotiation process, all parties involved must work together and act in good faith to reach an equitable and fair agreement for everyone involved. With the help of a good Public Adjuster, policyholders can be sure that their interests are being represented, that claims are made accurately and with the necessary documentation, and that they have access to all the information they need for a favorable settlement. Having a Public Adjuster involved from the beginning can often avoid a lengthier process--a good Public Adjuster will present a fair and fully-documented claim initially.

  • Why hire a Public Adjuster to obtain what is rightfully due to me?

    Insurance companies offer to pay the amount due as they see it. They and their representatives use assessment tools that they approve, often without regard to the details and circumstances of a particular case.

    Public Adjusters are the exclusive representatives of policyholders. With their experience and knowledge, they can better obtain the right assessments and services needed for a favorable adjustment for the insured. The National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA) is a national organization that can provide background information and references for public adjusters.

  • When should I report a loss to my insurance carrier?

    A public adjuster can help you to understand your coverage, your requirements, and the obligations of your insurance carrier, including the requirements of reporting your claim. A good Public Adjuster will ensure that the policyholder meets requirements for emergency mitigation set by their policy, and will take the steps necessary to document and prepare a claim.

    When filing a claim on your own, be sure to keep a record of all insurance company phone calls, emails, and other correspondence, in case this documentation is needed should a dispute arise. A policyholder should report a loss in a timely manner if they believe they may need to make a claim immediately or in the future, and should not speculate about causes of losses or the extent of damage without expert consultation or evidence.

  • What steps should I take if I suffer a property damage or loss?

    The best first step is to consult with a Public Adjuster to understand coverage, requirements, and the obligations of your insurance carrier, including the requirements of reporting your claim.

    A good Public Adjuster will ensure that emergency mitigation is completed and documented as required, and that you understand and coverage under your policy. As they prepare your claim, they can help find the resources you need to ensure a full recovery. They act on your behalf to negotiate with the insurance carrier, working to ensure a fair settlement. 

  • How long is the property insurance negotiation process?

    Property insurance claims can be difficult to negotiate. When your business or home has suffered damage and losses due to unforeseen circumstances, you will likely rely on your insurance policy to compensate for those losses and get you on the road to recovery. Unfortunately, insurance companies and the policies they provide can be extremely complicated and can require a great deal of detailed documentation and negotiation in order to get a fair settlement.

  • What does my insurance cover in the event of property damage, especially a fire or catastrophic loss?

    This depends upon the type and amount of insurance you carry, but it also depends on the assessment of the insurance company's representatives and how your claim is processed. A qualified Public Adjuster working for you can determine everything you are entitled to and will know how to present and process the claim to your best advantage.

  • When might an insurance claim be rejected?

    Filing an insurance claim yourself after damage has occurred can be challenging, time consuming, and tedious. Common missteps can result in a rejected or underpaid claim. Here are some of the most common issues that can be avoided with the help of a Public Adjuster:

    • Damage to property is misrepresented. A good Public Adjuster knows how to describe your situation so that it is represented accurately but also in a way that complies with the requirements of your carrier and the specifics of your policy.
    • Damage may not be covered by a policy. The expertise of a Pubic Adjuster can be crucial when trying to identify coverage. Many causes of loss, such as fire, lightning, or wind damage are often covered in standard policies, but each policy is unique and must be carefully examined to understand coverages and liability.
    • Exclusions and neglect may be relevant. Both the insurance carrier and the policyholder have requirements under an insurance policy contract.  For example, insurance policies won’t generally cover damage that is due to wear and tear or neglect. Understanding and communicating the  requirements and rights afforded by an insurance policy is the expertise of a Public Adjuster. 
  • What's the best way to file a claim after a major storm?

    As in any type of damage or loss, if you suffer damage from a major storm consultting a Public Adjuster is the best first step. A good public adjuster will ensure that emergency mitigation is completed and documented as required, and that you understand and are in compliance with coverage under your policy. As they prepare your claim, they can help find the resources you need to ensure a full recovery. They act on your behalf to negotiate with the insurance carrier, working to ensure a fair settlement. 

  • Can my contractor provide insurance adjusting services?

    The short answer is "No." Legally, only licensed Public Adjusters can provide adjusting services. Using a contractor who is acting as an adjuster is considered unlicensed practice and can cause serious problems with your claim. 

  • Do Public Adjusters provide contractors?

    Public Adjusters, like insurance carriers, can recommend restoration contractors or other professionals to the insured, but it is always up to the insured to choose who they would like to work with.

  • When is it too late to hire a Public Adjuster?

    When hiring a Public Adjuster, the sooner you can do so the better. A good Public Adjuster will ensure that the policyholder meets requirements for emergency mitigation set by their policy, and takes the steps necessary to document and prepare their claim. Having a Public Adjuster involved from the beginning can often avoid a lengthier process or missteps in the claim.

Contact Eastern Public for professional assistance in Property Insurance Claims

When filing an insurance claim, having a public adjuster can help the policyholder navigate the process and proceed with confidence. We provide invaluable experience and knowledge in the claims process, as well as information and recommendations for the specific aspects of your claim. The guidance of a public adjuster can help avoid missteps or oversights in the claims process, and ensure a more favorable recovery.

Contact us today at 929-999-4674 to learn more about our services.

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